Return Policy

We give you 30 days to return an item. From the date of sale, Tumo offers an 30-day return policy. Provided that:

  1. * The goods must be in perfect condition. This means that the goods must be unused and returned in their sealed original packaging, with all accessories and undamaged.
  2. ** The package must be packed securely for transport. Since you are responsible for the package until we receive it, please be sure to obtain a proof of delivery!

If one or more of the return conditions are not met, the package may be returned to the sender's address and any costs may be charged.

*We do not accept returns after the return period, except for warranty cases. We reserve the right not to accept unauthorised returns or to return them to the sender's address and to charge any costs. **All returns are checked on arrival. If an item is returned to us damaged, used or otherwise in an unacceptable condition, we will not issue a refund. We reserve the right not to accept unauthorised returns or to return them to the sender's address and charge any costs incurred. This does not apply to defective equipment.